Metal Detectors and Alien Oceans

I remember watching footage from the Voyager space probes when I was a child. These were two spacecraft sent to study the outer solar system. They sent back incredible images of Jupiter, Saturn, and Neptune. When the Voyager missions were planned, the interest was in the planets of the outer solar system, but when the images came back, the moons caught people’s attention. These turned out to be a fantastic array of hugely different worlds, giving scientists many years' worth of data to study. The images of the moon's surfaces gave clues about their structure and what they could be made from. Astronomers have spent hundreds of years studying our moon (above), which is covered in mountains, craters and flat plains called 'mare', which show that it has had a violent past. Some of the moons of the outer solar system are like our moon, see Mimas below, but others caused a great deal of excitement. Io (below), for example, had a multicoloured surface of r...